Wonder 电影剧照
There are always more than two sides to every story. 这对我们自己的生活也极具启迪性:put yourself in other's shoes,尝试换个角度看问题,误会矛盾往往就迎刃而解了。
Wonder 电影剧照
书中的 aha moments
"But we didn't mean it," I answered.
"Jack, sometimes you don't have to mean to hurt someone to hurt someone. You understand?" 2. 物以类聚,人以群分(like seeks like)
It's kind of funny how parents actually end up forming the same little groups their kids form. 很有意思的一个描写,孩子是父母的翻版,玩的来的孩子,父母们也合得来。
3. 很多时候担心是多余的,人容易杞人忧天
Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing. 4. 你今天过得再惨,世界还是在照常运转。
It's so weird how that can be, how you could have a night that's the worst in your life, but to everybody else it's just an ordinary night. ... Or maybe it was even a good day. Maybe somebody won the lottery today. 所以何必纠结于暂时的不顺?Let it go,重新投入生活才是王道。
5. 有些情绪很难伪装或掩饰,比如惊讶。
Surprise is one of those emotions that can be hard to fake, though, whether you're trying to look surprised when you're not or trying to not look surprised when you are.
Wonder 电影片段
Wonder 电影片段
女老师Mrs. Garcia:
When I looked up at her, Mrs. Garcia's eyes dropped for a second. It was so fast no one else would have noticed, since the rest of her face stayed exactly the same. She was smiling a really shiny smile. 老师很有教养,她尽量压抑住自己的惊讶,迅速调整情绪,用假笑来自我掩饰。
"Can I ask you a question?" he said. ... "What's the deal with your face?" I mean, were you in a fire or something?" Justin粗鲁的提问一下就暴露出他是个被宠坏了孩子,丝毫不顾及他人的感受。后面的故事也证明了他就是一个虚伪的两面派。
You don't need your eyes to love, right? You just feel it inside you. That's how it is in heaven. It's just love, and no one forgets who they love. 令人不禁想起《寻梦环游记》里的台词 "Remember me before the memory of love disappears." 两者异曲同工,爱让人永生。
故事结尾处Mr. Tushman在期末典礼上的讲话也令人印象深刻,他提倡“kinder than is necessary”
And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.
颁奖环节时,August获得了一项特别奖项,表彰那些为学校做出了表率作用的学生(to honor students who have been notable or exemplary in certain areas)
Wonder 电影片段
Mr. Tushman在陈述获奖理由时说:
Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.
“He is the greatest,” he finally continued, "whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own." 的确,August用自己的乐观坚强赢得了大家的认可与尊重,他的勇气就像一团火焰,使大家的心都汇聚在一起,共同向我们述说着这个真善美的成长童话。
Wonder 电影剧照
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